The Hat


I took Friday off for a 4 day weekend, (Monday as a recovery day) and packed everything that morning before going to REI to pick up my rental stuff. I’m glad I tried to pack first because I found out my 60L pack was too small. It felt like trying to us a coat closet as a garage. I rented a 80L pack and a thermarest pad, and shopped around for some kind of waterproof hat. I had also purchased a tent on sale a few weeks before, the REI half dome 2, and needed the “not included“ footprint. I had never paid so much for a hat in my life at 40 bucks. They had a 50 dollar hat but I wasn’t that crazy. I can tell you now after this trip, this equipment was worth every penny. This will become more apparent as the blog unfolds. Do blogs unfold Or do they unravel? What’s the word for the progression of a blog? I guess if its going to be on blocks, its not going to roll, so I guess unravel is a better word. Anyway, My pack weighed in at 52lbs loaded. I put it on and felt like an upside down weeble-wobble, so I ran to Kmart real quick and got a hiking pole. (a walking stick with a strap and a spring in it)

One Response to “The Hat”

  1. 40 bucks is a lot for a hat, I try not to do that because I loose too many of them. I assume that Sara did not go on the hike. She is smart.

    Good blog page. Gramma Blocker wants us to encourage you to come to the reunion, it seem it will be the biggest ever. Loraine plans on using her tax check to come out. I know how hard it is to go so far and manage to work too.

    The weather here is GREAT. In the eighties right now and they think it is hot.


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