Rotsa Ruck

My only good luck with numbers lately. I call the lady with the Chrysler today, see if its still running or traded it in.  Shes been either driving it for the last 2 weeks, or it broke, she’s pissed, and not talking to me again without a lawyer.

I Will Survive: Life with a Math Problem.

Calculus problems

I am having trouble with fast talking teachers and inacurate math lab assistants finding 4 different ways to do a problem that already takes an hour to do.  Here is a sample of one problem, for which there seem to be 3 ways to solve it by people that are “smarter” than me. “A community […]


dint realize these were so hard to make look right. This really is our cat, and this popped into my head when i saw her do this.

Yes, your timing belt realy does cost that much.

For those of you who want to geek out with me for a second, let me show you what pisses off a mechanic.  This is why I was up till 8pm instead of going home at 5.  It is a bracket for the engine mount on the front of a Kia Sedona engine.  At first, […]

Trip To China transfered

The header above has a button to my story about our trip to China.  It is finished with photos, and ready for viewing, for those of you who cannot or wont see it on

Think or Thwim

Its my first day of school post AA.  I turn in my apps for that this season anyway.  I now only work 4 days a week and if i cannot get my lab situation straightened out, I may take Wed morning off too.  Welp, i better get myself going.